Our Courses

  • Introduction

  1. Pharmaceutical industry & Career opportunity

  2. Sales & Marketing 5 Job of Medical Representative

  3. Classification of Doctors by their degrees

  4. Retailing & Detailing

  5. Pharmaceutical sales

  6. RCPA (Retail Chemist Prescription Audit)

  7. Target , Achievement & Incentive

  8. Interview process & Mock Interview

  • Subjective Parts

  1. Pharmacology

  2. Microbiology

  3. Systems of Human body

  • Nervous System
  • Respiratory System
  • Digestive System
  • Cardio Vascular System
  • Endocryne System
  • Reproductive System
  • Urinary / Excretory System
  • Musculo Skeletal System
  • Integumentary System
  • Soft Skill Development, Market Survey, Doctors list preparation,Detailing PracticeÂ